This page is information for vendors who have been confirmed to attend. Scroll down for full list.
Email us at [email protected] if you applied but have not heard from us. Also, please do not pay your vendor fees until you have received a confirmation email/message from us. .
Event name: 2019 Montebello Pet Fair
Event Date: Saturday November 2, 2019
Event Hours: 10AM to 3PM
Location: Montebello City Park, 1301 W Whittier Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640
- All vendors are responsible for their own canopies, tables, chairs, and power source.
- You are responsible to clean up your area and make sure all trash is picked up before you leave.
- Vendors should not leave early. Vendors leaving early negatively impacts other vendors. (Let us know well in advance of the fair if you need to leave early and we will put you at a location that will not negatively impact other vendors.)
- Parking is first come first serve. Street parking is probably the best option, but you could possibly park at the shopping center near the park. Please do not park at the funeral home across the street.
Schedule of Events:
10:00am – Welcome
10:10am – Dog Bite Prevention – Pet Care Plus
10:30am – Shelter Diversion Program – San Gabriel Valley Animal Advocates
11:00am – Ryn Nicole performance
11:40am – Nerdy Reptiles presentation
12:00pm – Trap Neuter Return (TNR) – South Gate Cats
12:15pm – Ask a Groomer – One 4 One Pet Grooming & More
12:30pm – Adoption Parade
1:00pm – Paper Sails performance
1:40pm – Fashion Show – My Hamachi Designs
2:00pm – Pet Contests – Cutest Dog/Best Trick/Best Costume
2:45pm – Closing Ceremonies
Other Important Information:
Educational Scavenger Hunt
We have created a sort of scavenger hunt for attendees. Most of our vendors and nonprofits have signed up to participate in this (it’s ok if you do not have something). Attendees will go to different booths to learn something about animal care. Vendors/nonprofits will receive stickers from the organizers and all you need to do is put a sticker in one of the boxes once an attendee has finished listening to your mini talk at your booth. Please do not let attendees put their own stickers on without first learning valuable pet care information. The purpose of this activity is to teach important pet care information that people may not have known before.
Raffle Item Donation
On the day of the fair we will pick up the raffle item around 9:30AM. This should give most people a chance to have everything ready to go. If someone does not come by find a staff member. For those donating please add your business card or business information to your raffle item. We want you to have recognition for the donation.
Please note. Do not feel like you must donate an item, even if you said you were going to.
Mini Product “ad” from the stage
While our schedule of events should be pretty full we don’t expect all of our speakers to fill up their entire time. Because of that we are putting together mini activities to fill time. One of those activities would be to invite vendors to come up to the stage to say something quick at the microphone. If you need us to do the announcement for you be sure to give us something to read from the stage. You can send us something via email/messenger or give us something the day of. We will let your know when your ad time is throughout the day as it all depends on when speakers fill up their time or not.
Check-In Times/Important times to note:
8:00AM – This is for vendors who need a lot of time to set up their booth or who need to drive their vehicle onto the park grass to unload. (Regarding driving on grass: we have volunteers scheduled to help during setup time so this option is only for vendors with large amounts of product)
8:30AM – This is for vendors who do not need a full 2 hours to unload. Your unloading zone is the spot closest to your booth location (see unloading locations below). Vendors arriving after 9:00AM will not have easy access to unload on Park Avenue as food trucks will be arriving at 9:00AM.
10:00AM – The fair begins.
3:00PM – Fair ends. All areas need to be cleared up before 4:30PM.
Booth locations:
Vendor spot numbers are for vendors and staff more than the public as not all attendees choose to get an event booklet.

Our confirmed vendors
Vendor/Nonprofit | Booth | Unloading Location |
And Mutts Bandanas | 54 | Senior Center |
Andrea’s Savory Palate | 16 | Park Ave |
Angel City Arts | 34 | Park Ave |
Animal Communicator Michael Lane | 33 | Whittier or Park |
Bella Vita Rescue | 14 | Senior Center |
Blessed Paws Company | 10 | Whittier Blvd |
Bullhug | 9 | Whittier Blvd |
Caring Songs for all Creatures | 28 | Senior Center |
Color Street Nails | 6 | Whittier Blvd |
Crepe Life | Park Ave | Park Ave |
Cricket Wireless | 36 | Park Ave |
Doggie Bag Kitchen LLC | 60 | Senior Center |
Dream Creations | * | Park Ave |
East Los Tacos | Park Ave | Park Ave |
Forgotten Angels Cat Rescue | 13 | Park Ave |
Hobo Dog | * | |
Hound and Friends | 43 | Whittier Blvd |
Huan | 53 | Senior Center |
Hungry Belly | Park Ave | Park Ave |
Jewelry for Animal Lovers | 18 | Park Ave |
Kitty Camp Corporation | 15 | Park Ave |
LJ Superior Chew Inc | 8 | Whittier Blvd |
LeafFilter North, LLC | 59 | Senior Center |
Lucky Pup Shop | 42 | Whittier Blvd |
Lyle Lopez Art | 40 | Senior Center |
Maliakei Bags | 5 | Whittier Blvd |
Mamita’s Bows | 38 | Senior Center |
Ms Crochet 21 | 55 | Senior Center |
Meows & Whiskers | 31 | Park Ave |
Metro Paws LLC | 23 | Park Ave |
Miss Kitty’s Flea Market | 35 | Park Ave |
MoNat Santa Monica | 26 | Park Ave |
Moniso | 52 | Senior Center |
Mrs Chatita Crochet | 1 | Whittier Blvd |
My Hamachi Designs | 4 | Whittier Blvd |
Nerdy Reptiles | 45 | Whittier Blvd |
New York Life Southern California | 56 | Senior Center |
One 4 One Grooming & More | 47 | Senior Center |
Origami Owl | 44 | Whittier Blvd |
Ozzie and Friends Rescue | 29 & 30 | Senior Center |
Pawsh & Sassy | 25 | Park Ave |
Pet Alley | 19 & 20 | Park Ave |
Pet Care Plus | 46 | Whittier Blvd |
PetFashionz | 2 | Whittier Blvd |
PhD Dental | 61 | Senior Center |
Pillows by Cat | 51 | Senior Center |
Punk Rock Pawz | 50 | Senior Center |
Purple T.A.C. Services | 7 | Whittier Blvd |
Quiche La Charlie | 24 | Park Ave |
Renewal by Andersen | 22 | Park Ave |
Rockapup | 49 | Senior Center |
Rose Hills | 12 | Park Ave |
Scentsy | 11 | Whittier or Park |
SGV Animal Advocates | 27 | Senior Center |
ShotzCo Crafts | 37 | Senior Center or Park |
SoCal Animal Rescue Squad | 41 | Senior Center |
SoCal K9 Foundation | * | |
South Gate Cats | 3 | Whittier Blvd |
Stinky Tails | 48 | Senior Center |
Sugar Plum by Kate | 39 | Senior Center |
T Cups | * | |
The Paw Outfitters | 17 | Park Ave |
Tribal Pawz | 32 | Park Ave |
US Census Bureau | 21 | Park Ave |
*If you do not see a booth number next to your name please contact us as soon as possible.
Unloading locations:
Depending on when you arrive we recommend one of these 3 unloading locations. Do not leave your vehicle parked at these locations. Volunteers are available to help you unload so don’t worry about having to unload if you are by yourself. Please let a volunteer know that you need help and we will make sure we have people there for you. Volunteers will help you unload your vehicle and begin moving your items to your location while you move your car (they will of course wait by your things if you’d rather they not move things without your supervision).
Park Avenue – This location is available before 9AM. As noted on the site map above, the food trucks will be located near the corner and they arrive at 9AM. Volunteers are available to help you unload. Those arriving after 9am who were told to unload along Park Ave can unload on Whittier or the Senior Center parking lot.
Senior Center Parking lot – Our reserved parking next to the Senior Center is for unloading and for our higher level vendors and other guests. Volunteers are available to help you unload.
Whittier Blvd – There is a 2 hour parking limit along this street. Volunteers are available to help you unload.
Payment Options
Thank you for supporting this event. To help ensure that all of the expenses are covered for the fair we ask that you pay by October 20.
CHUFFED is our online fundraising site.
- Paypal Payments can be made directly through this link, but there is a slight fee
- Please note that credit card payments will incur a small cost.
- You do NOT have to tip Chuffed. You can click there and change the amount to $0.00
You can send payment to one of our volunteers, Ignacio Ramirez. If you have funds in your Paypal account to cover your payment there should be no extra charge.
VENMO You can venmo one of our volunteers @Colleen-Jousma
CASH OR CHECK If you need to use this option please email us at [email protected]. We will only accept cash from those local to Montebello. We will not travel to other areas to pick up.