The Montebello Pet Fair formed out of a need to reduce the number of animals who enter our area shelter. In 2016 14,459 dogs and cats entered the shelter. Of the dogs that entered, 91% left the shelter alive. Of the cats that entered, 53% left the shelter alive. While the cat live release rate could use some more direct work on the shelter’s part, one thing that we can focus on in the public is to decrease the number of animals who entered in the first place. 14,459 animals.
We believe that educating people on proper ways to care for their pet will bring a shift to how people view animals in our area. It won’t be an instant shift, but we can’t just sit by and hope for the best. We are committed to having our fair be a place where people make new choices that will save the lives of animals. And you can help.
In this first picture you can see our estimated cost to pay for the fair. We have received many quotes from several businesses so we think we’ve found the lowest prices in the area. We are open to suggestions for lower costs, too.

Our fundraising goal is $3,000. We have $1,655 left to raise.

Here is how you can help.
Financial Donations
We are accepting financial donations at our YouCaring fundraising page. To donate to support the 2017 Montebello Pet Fair go to:
If you would like to donate via check or in person, please contact us at [email protected] and we can schedule a pick up or give you an address to send the check to. We also have the option of Venmo if you use that.
(Please note that we are not a 501c3. If your giving is dependent on donating to a 501c3 there are options to help reduce the cost of the spay/neuter surgeries that will happen at the fair. Please contact us at [email protected] so we can connect you with our spay/neuter clinic nonprofit.)
If you have a business and you would like to sponsor the event, please check out our Sponsoring Opportunities page to see the details of what your return on investment will include. Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in being a business sponsor.
Donating Supplies
Some of our funding goes toward equipment and supplies. If you would like to donate and or loan the fair equipment or supplies please look over the list below and let us know what you would like to donate. Every donor will be thanked and those who have donated or loaned a large piece of equipment will be noted as one of our horse level sponsors. Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in donating an item listed below.
- Generator
- Sound system
- 600+ feet of thin rope
- 50 pet bowls
- Crayons for used by children attending the fair. Possibly 30 boxes.
- Cases of water/snacks for volunteers
Thank you for helping us reach our goal. The more people we can reach, the more we can make a difference in the thousands of animals who enter the shelter ever year. Let’s make a change in the lives of animals in Los Angeles County.