Sponsoring Opportunities


If you would like to make a difference in the lives of pets in our area please consider donating to the fair.

Help us cover the cost of the fair by donating all or part of one of expenses.

$450 covers our security fees.
$300 covers the Parks and Recreation fees to reserve the open space.
$215 covers our insurance fees.
$200 covers the cost of printing our event brochures.
$60 covers the cost of a banner.
$30 covers the cost of our contest trophies.
$20 covers 1 volunteers t-shirt. (Cost of t-shirts depend on how many volunteers sign up)

Donations will be able to be made at our fundraising site by June of 2019.
If you would like to donate via cash or check, please email us at [email protected].

For businesses or organizations that donate $50 or more you can receive the following as a thank you for making this event a reality.
sponsor levels

See details about the advertisement sizes here.

Another way to give is to donate to Spay Neuter Project Los Angeles (SNPLA) and Latino Alliance for Animal Care Foundation (LAACF). SNPLA will be doing a low cost vaccination clinic at our event. LAACF will be doing our spay/neuter clinic. We will add more details on how you can donate specifically to our event the closer we get to the fair.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to sponsor and/or donate prizes for the contests.

For information on being a vendor at our event, please visit our Vendor/Nonprofit Information page HERE.